true Islam rejects ISIS(isil)

Zionism - The distorter of the scriptures 

Did you know that in the Old Testament, every action that comes from humans is predetermined by God, such that his justice is

questioned? Is not the worldly and otherworldly life the result of our own actions? Has he not given us the power of reasoning

?and intellect so that we could think and choose the way of reward 


Please study: 

Job9: 22-24


The English Official site of Masaf Institute  :

کلمات کلیدی: zion، zionism، zionists، israel، scripture

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/12/10:: 7:20 صبح     |     () نظر

Zionism - The distorter of the scriptures

Did you know that in the Old Testament prophets were not even showing forgiveness towards the teenagers, and in case of any  small error, instead of guiding, they cursed them

Have not the divine prophets been sent from God to guide humans? Shouldn’t they invite the youth to the divine religion with kindness, generosity and patience

?Wasn’t Jesus Christ, the Son of Marry kind and patient


Please study: 

2 Kings 2:23-25 

(true jews are not in israel , true jews are not zionist)


The English Official site of Masaf Institute  :

کلمات کلیدی: zion، zionism، zionist، zionists، israel، testament، judaism، jewry، jews

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/10/28:: 7:33 عصر     |     () نظر

???how would you feel



true jews are not in israel

freedom , feelings , racism


israel and palestine map

کلمات کلیدی: jerusalem، qods، israel، palestine، israel and palestine، zionism

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/9/20:: 11:59 صبح     |     () نظر

judaism jewry

کلمات کلیدی: judaism، jewry، israel، zionism

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/4/2:: 4:14 عصر     |     () نظر

say no to racism , say no to zionism (israel)l


کلمات کلیدی: israel، racism، coffee، schoolgirl

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/4/1:: 11:26 عصر     |     () نظر of the end time

کلمات کلیدی: signs، end time، israel، america، Armageddon

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 95/10/12:: 12:11 عصر     |     () نظر is good

کلمات کلیدی: israel، peace، palestine، u.s

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 95/10/11:: 6:7 عصر     |     () نظر
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