true Islam rejects ISIS(isil)

Ayatollah Khamenei’s  (iran leader)  fatwa: Insulting the Mother of the Faithful Aisha is prohibited

Ayatollah Khamenei issued a decree wherein he prohibited insult towards Aisha, the wife of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and any of the figures and symbols celebrated by Sunni brethren

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, in response to a question on religious matters, “Insulting figures and symbols celebrated by Sunni brethren, including the wife of the Prophet of Islam [Aisha] is prohibited. This includes the wives of all prophets, particularly the master of all prophets Muhammad (May God’s greetings be upon him and his household).

Fatwa (Islamic ruling) declares that insulting the Mother of the Faithful Aisha is forbidden

In response to a question, where he was asked to comment on insult and use of offensive words against the wife of the Prophet (pbuh) Aisha, Ayatollah Khamenei issued the decree (fatwa) against insulting Aisha. The question was posed by a group of Shia scholars and intellectuals of Al-Ahsa region in Saudi Arabia.

The question was brought up after a supposed Shia clergyman, who fled to Britain as a refugee, launched a Television channel with the help of the British government; he used his channel to insult Aisha, the Prophet’s wife: the clergyman falsely described his act as Shia belief.

This is not the only case wherein Ayatollah Khamenei has called insulting Aisha and other Sunni sanctities as haram (religiously forbidden).


full commentry :




aisha wife of prophet shia muslims


PS: its not the first time that the western politicians tries to divide the prophet ummah.god bless muslims and all free souls of the world



نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 01/3/30:: 2:15 عصر     |     () نظر

imam hossein  name in   holy  gospel

bible , holy bible  ,  jesus  ,  jesus christ ,

Hussain was a 7th century revolutionary  (The third imam for shia muslims , ancestor of 12th imam)   leader who stood for social justice  , his legacy inspires millions worldwide

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کلمات کلیدی: shia، shiamuslim، shia muslim، shia muslims، 12th imam، blog

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 00/1/18:: 5:56 صبح     |     () نظر

ashura is the tenth day of Muharram in the Islamic calendar. For Shi"a Muslims,  Ashura marks the climax of the Remembrance of Muharram, and commemorates the martyred of Hussain ibn Ali

. On Ashura day, Imam Husayn, the holy prophet Muhammad’s grandson and all 72 of his companions including his six-month-old infant,( Hazrat Ali Asghar ) , were killed in the battle of Karbala.       ____________

ashura pic

what is ashura

now what media shows  about shia (below image

the media vision of shia muslims and ashura is so far from reality

politics against religions ______________________

there are very few shia muslims who practices tatbir(self-flaggelation) . most of them are in england . because england policies invented tatbir to use this distorted mores against shia muslims and tell the world that shia muslims are wild

.....yes,thats very disgusting policy 

related link :

shia muslims tatbir

??? why   _______________________________

you may ask yourself why shia muslims? why capitalism has scared from us  ! and trying hard to show us as wild humans

???what will happen if  nations know about real islam and real shia muslims

peace be upon every free soul in the world 

related link  :

shia muslims leader said  _________________________________

tatbir shia muslim

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 shia muslims blood donation on the day of ashura

tatbir shia muslims

shia muslims self-flagellation
shia muslims

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did you know that hezbollah  in " lebanon & syria "   ,,,   iran in " iraq & syria " has the major effects in destroying daesh (isis.isil)  a 

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 97/10/3:: 6:5 عصر     |     () نظر

The Merciful Verses 

 The Holy Quran 

 Surah AL-AN"AM-160

quran , quran verses , holy quran , islam ,shia muslim

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نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/11/25:: 4:11 عصر     |     () نظر

Prophet_Muhammad (PBUH) said:  

Whoever sleeps with full stomach, while his neighbor is hungry, has no faith in me

Whoever sleeps covered, while his neighbor is uncovered, has no faith in me    

reference :   Mustadrak-ul Vasael va Mustanbat-ul-Masael, Vol. 8, p. 429, quotation 9897                                                                                                                                                                   


imam_hasan (PBUH) said :                                                                                                                                                                             One Friday night, I saw my mother, Lady Fatima (PBUH), who had been praying till morning, at her place of worship. He mentioned the name of many people in her prayers, but did not mention herself. I said: “Dear Mother! You prayed for everyone but yourself!” She said: “My dear son! The neighbors should precede the household [in the prayers]” 

reference : Vasael-u-Shia, Vol. 7, p. 113; Bihar-al-Anwar, Vol. 13, p. 428                                                                                                 

نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/11/12:: 12:25 صبح     |     () نظر

Who are shias

The Shias must try to raise Imam Mahdi’s flag before his reappearance and acquaint the world with him. The Shias must raise the flag of Imam Hussain ,,,, and show the world what Imam Mahdi’s justice and a Shia government looks like. The Shias must always defend the oppressed in order for the people of the world to not forget about justice. Otherwise, people would not care about Mahdi anymore, and ISIS will become the symbol of Islam! Today, it is the Shias who have ruined the plans of ISIS since ISIS has to fight against them. This raises the question ‘who is ISIS and who are the Shias?’


Professor Raefipour 


shia muslim , shia muslims , 12th imam , imam mahdi

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نوشته شده توسط shia muslim 96/10/3:: 6:51 عصر     |     () نظر






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