for more info search this topic in google images : Zionism The distorter of the scriptures
کلمات کلیدی: evangelism، evangelical، evangelist، zionism، scripture، scripture quotes، zionist، christian، christianity
for more info search this topic in google images : Zionism The distorter of the scriptures
کلمات کلیدی: evangelism، evangelical، evangelist، zionism، scripture، scripture quotes، zionist، christian، christianity
for more info search this topic in google images : Zionism The distorter of the scriptures
کلمات کلیدی: evangelism، evangelical، evangelist، zionism، scripture، scripture quotes، zionist، christian، christianity
Did you know that in the Old Testament prophets were not even showing forgiveness towards the teenagers, and in case of any small error, instead of guiding, they cursed them
Have not the divine prophets been sent from God to guide humans? Shouldn’t they invite the youth to the divine religion with kindness, generosity and patience
?Wasn’t Jesus Christ, the Son of Marry kind and patient
Please study:
2 Kings 2:23-25
(true jews are not in israel , true jews are not zionist)
Israel"s brainless represntative at the UN presents a historic coin with Hebrew carving as a proof of Quds belonging to Israel, then according to him, with providing an Achaemenid coin half of the world is ours (Iranian).
Professor Raefipour
December - 2017
کلمات کلیدی: palestine، free palestine، zionism، zionist، israel and palestine، palestine and israel